Which devices can I use to watch the contents ?
You can watch the contents from desktop and via iOs and Android Mobile Apps. Soon will also be available also Smart TV Apps fron LG e Samsung.
Help center: supporto.laziostyle@nvp.it
Can we access from worldwide ?
Yes, except for foreign friendly matches which are only available on Italian territory.
Help center: supporto.laziostyle@nvp.it
How Can I pay ?
We accept debit or credit cards. We only use secure payment methods for your data and transactions.
Help center:supporto.laziostyle@nvp.it
What's the difference between Silver, Gold and Pay Per View ?
The Gold Pass allows to access all the platform's content, including live coverage of friendly matches. The cost is €5.99/month or - with a one-off payment - €59.99 for 12 months, saving over 15%.
The Silver Pass allows to access a wide library of content, but not the live coverage of friendly matches. The cost is 3.99/month or - with a one-off payment - €39.99, a saving of over 15%.
Pay Per View is related to the purchase of a single live event (e.g. friendly matches) and costs € 5.00 per event. Those who subscribe to the Gold Pass already have the events offered in Pay Per View included.
Help center:supporto.laziostyle@nvp.it supporto.laziostyle@nvp.it
Can I also follow a live event on Lazio Style Channel, Sky channel 233?
No, the live event can only be followed via the www.sslazio.it platform.
On Lazio Style Channel, channel 233 of Sky, it will be possible to follow the event only in deferred time.